Handling finances can be a scary task sometimes. There are several moving pieces that must come together, and it can sometimes be challenging to keep everything in order. Inc.com said it best, “The only thing more conventional than “keeping the books” is screwing them up”.
Asking for assistance is never a bad thing. That’s why you should contact an expert in the industry to assist – Someone like Kat Merger with Beancounter who can help! Kat is a member of our Round Rock location and we recently had the chance to sit down to learn more about her and her company.
Hi, Kat! Tell me a little bit about what you do at Beancounter and what kind of services your company offers.
I provide payroll, QuickBooks-desktop and online, and tax services. I have also set up non-profits as well as working with a local attorney for the legal filings and handle the IRS filings.
How did you get into your current career?
I knew from High School that I always knew I wanted to own my own business. My degree was in Education. At that time, it was very difficult to find a job. A friend of mine worked at a local hospital and worked in the billing and receivable department. She needed help and noticed that I caught on very fast to that process. I ended up taking more accounting courses in school and obtained a minor in accounting. I worked as a bank auditor for a while and once I had saved enough money, I opened my own business in 1988.
What can people expect from meeting with you?
I get all my clients from referrals. When they call, I will answer their questions, and I will explain everything they want to know. I am honest and love to make people laugh.
What is something about your business that most people don’t know?
Many people don’t know why my company is called Beancounter. Somewhere in the 1920’s people started to call accountants” “beancounters”. It is said that they would count the beans just to see how many there were.
Where do you see your business in 5 years?
I wouldn’t know what to do if I stopped. I love people and knowing I helped them.
What about your job inspires you?
I love numbers and the people and that makes it fun for me.
Give us a little background on yourself. (Where are you from, family, education, hobbies, etc.).
I’ve lived in San Antonio, Pasadena, Huntsville, and the Austin Area. I graduated from Sam Houston University. My hobbies are gardening and reading.
Other than work, what inspires you?
My “acquired” children and grandkids. I have volunteered for Special Olympics, and I also love working with veteran organizations like the Gary Sinise Foundation.
Why did you choose Heritage Office Suites? How has Heritage Office Suites helped your motivation/productivity, or how has it helped your business grow?
I wanted a place to talk to clients, and the ladies up front are a Godsend. Most of my work is done at my home, but with two dogs it is not a good place for clients. I went to Heritage because I met Ja-Ann at a luncheon and loved her tag line “I can rent you an office for an hour, a day, a week or a year”.