Heritage Office Suites is lucky enough to surround ourselves and our community with an amazing group of members! Each month we are excited to interview one of those great groups of people so that everyone has a chance to learn more about those within our community. This month we were able to speak with both Kim Todd and Pinkie Arnot and of Relevant Management. Take a look below to find out more:
Hi, Kim and Pinkie! Tell me a little bit about what you do at Relevant Management and what kind of services your company offers.
We are a full service but small boutique-style property management company of HOAs, condos, etc. We started our business with the intention of staying small so we can offer the type of hands-on style management that Homeowner Associations are really wishing for and not getting from the “big-box” companies. Our clients speak with us personally and not a computer recorded voice or tons of other staff. We really enjoy working together and have always had the same goal in mind, awesome customer service!
We’ve been very fortunate to find the best assistants to work with us and who give us the most amazing support we could ask for. Kristen Lockhart and Kirsten Miller Pope are the backbone of how we are able to give hands-on service to our clients. Many kudos to our wonderful staff!
How did you get into your current career?
K: By accident. I worked in the legal field and started managing properties as a favor to someone. I learned I really liked property management and, many years later, here we are.
P: I started cleaning apartments when I was 16 and quickly advanced with a goal to be at the top someday. I managed very large multi-family properties all over the nation, and when Austin’s apartment market started converting to HOAs, found myself specializing in this area almost two decades ago.
What can people expect from meeting with you?
K & P: Results! Resolution.
What is something about your business that most people don’t know?
K: We manage associations, condos, single family neighborhoods, etc.
P: How extremely hands on we are and the concern for each individuals’ issue as we come into contact with them.
Where do you see your business in 5 years?
K: In five years we will be very successful. We are currently growing even during the pandemic.
P: As per our business model, small but, as Kim stated, very successful. We bring a lot of experience to the table and our clients appreciate the knowledge and professionalism that come with our package deal.
What about your job inspires you?
K: Helping people.
P: Providing individualized service that has become unique in this day and age. Owning a business that gives us the freedom to be professional yet accessible and personalized for each person we work with.
Give us a little background on yourself. (where are you from, family, education, hobbies, etc.)
K: I am from Florida, then moved to Texas during middle school. So, I have seen the Austin area change dramatically. My legal background transitioned easily into the property management venue, bringing a type of expertise most managers can’t provide. I love the outdoors, horses, the beach, and fishing and enjoy what Texas offers me in these areas frequently. I live on a small ranch in an area that gives me peace and quiet and balances me and my family.
P: I’m from Colorado and am always homesick for mountains. However, all my immediate family live close by, so no chance I’m leaving Texas. Education has always been focused on Real Estate, including ARM, and CPM through Institute of Real Estate Management, and a real estate license (no longer active, but enjoyed what I learned). Experience has given us both what I consider a master’s degree in Property Management, though! It’s irreplaceable. I wrote and published two books for my daughters many, many years ago (Skinny Girl Stew, and Oh! Fairy Funny! which are now out of print) and always toy with the idea of having time to write a “grown up” book someday. Writing is an amazing experience. I love outdoors everything (except heat), riding motorcycles, crocheting, cooking, the list is pretty endless. Absolutely never bored.
Other than work, what inspires you?
K: My family inspires me to be the best me.
P: My grandbabies and my family! My business partner is a huge inspiration and keeps me balanced. Moving forward in a life that is always exciting.
Why did you choose Heritage Office Suites? How has Heritage Office Suites helped your motivation/productivity, or how has it helped your business grow?
K: We love Heritage Office Suites! It fits our business model and who needs to pay for an office when you provide everything we need!
P: Kim knew about your suites and suggested this when we set up our business. The cost savings is almost exponential. The front desk always handles our customers perfectly and professionally. We honestly couldn’t ask for a better set up or working relationship with awesome Heritage Office Suites staff!