Heritage office Suites is lucky enough to surround ourselves and our community with an amazing group of members! Each month we are excited to interview one of those people so that everyone has a chance to learn more about those within our community. This month we were able to speak with Jana McCown of The Law Office of Jana K. McCown. Take a look below to find out more:
Hi, Jana! Tell me a little bit about what you do at The Law Office of Jana K. McCown and what kind of services your company offers.
My law practice is called The Law Office of Jana K. McCown (don’t forget the initial). I handle mostly estate planning and probate cases, and some federal criminal defense when called upon. This means the majority of my practice involves helping clients and their families put in place the documents needed to protect and transfer their assets upon their death. I also prepare powers of attorney, advance directives, and other documents that can be helpful in the case of incapacity.
How did you get into your current career?
I was a career prosecutor after law school, both in Harris and Williamson Counties, for 24 years. When I retired, my practice sort of naturally drifted towards estate planning and I found that I was more interested in elder law issues because of the people I knew who were in need of assistance. I also believe that every small-town lawyer ought to know how to draft a will.
What can people expect from meeting with you?
Many of my clients have been people that know me already, or referrals made by friends and former clients. I intentionally keep my practice small so that I can try to give clients the attention they deserve. My initial consultation is designed to listen to their needs and wants and determine what will be best suited for their particular situation.
Where do you see your business in 5 years?
In the last few years, I’ve learned that you often cannot predict the directions your life might take, but in five years, I expect to be doing much of the same work that I currently handle unless God has other plans for me. I have two part-time assistants to help keep the stress level down and I enjoy helping people in some small way when life gets hard.
What about your job inspires you?
Being a prosecutor was more interesting and challenging than the work I do now, but I look at it as helping people in another way (and when they have not been the victim of a crime!).
Give us a little background on yourself (where are you from, family, education, hobbies, etc.).
I grew up in Oklahoma and attended the University of Oklahoma and got a Bachelor of Accountancy degree. I attended law school at Southern Methodist University. I have three mostly grown children, a dog, and a bunny rabbit that I “inherited” from one of my children. I love to play tennis and ride bikes. Last year I went skydiving for the first time. Anything active and outdoors is fun for me.
Why did you choose Heritage Office Suites? How has Heritage Office Suites helped your motivation/ productivity, or how has it helped your business grow?
At my last office in a historic home there was a lot of charm, but it was not nearly as safe for my clients to get from the parking lot into my office. It seems silly to say that was an influence, but it was truly a major factor that there was paved parking and a level entry.
If you would like to learn more about Jana or her business, feel free to visit her company Facebook as well as her website.